A Note From Our Founder, Amy Jurkowitz
We wanted to update you on what’s happening at Milkshake.
Emails are going out once a week rather than daily. While there is more than enough good news, inspiring people, and incredible ideas to cover, we know people’s inboxes are inundated and less is always more.
We are using our time to brainstorm ideas on expanding Milkshake into new businesses. Many avenues are being investigated, ranging from designing products which incorporate a one for one model, to an educational platform, to an innovative “good” shopping outlet which features design-driven products that give back and make a difference.
No matter where we end up we are committed to continuing our focus on finding the good in everything and supporting everyone who does the same. Please continue to send in your good finds and good thoughts and we will make sure to share.
Thanks for reading MILKSHAKE and being an important part of our community.
Image by James Jordan/Flickr
What businesses do you think Milkshake should extend into?