An Open Conversation

In light of Friday's events, we've postponed today's previously-scheduled story to share some resources that may be helpful in the days to come. As parents, editors and just plain empathic human beings, we know it's critical that we talk openly as a nation about preventing such tragedies in the future. Our hearts go out to everyone affected by Friday's events, and we feel strongly that we should do our part to open up a dialogue not just from one political perspective, but rather, from all angles. Most immediately, we'd like to share the ways you can help the families of Newtown, Connecticut.
So, we've composed a list of links to sources of comfort for the families affected, tools for intelligent conversation about violence prevention, and organizations dedicated to making progress in the realm of mental health services.

Helping Newtown
The United Way of Western Connecticut has established a fund to provide support services to the Sandy Hook families and community. The town's local paper, The Newtown Patch, is offering an online list of ways in which the public can help; visitors can register for updates online as they're made available.

Offering Support
The Newtown Memorial Fund has been put in place by local resident Brian Mauriello to immediately provide financial relief for funeral expenses, as well as assist the town with a lasting memorial and provide an annual scholarship fund for students of Newtown's public schools.

Gaining Insight
This weekend, The Blue Review published a raw and honest article from a mother's perspective of the challenges posed when seeking help for a troubled child. It offers a uniquely frank, firsthand account of issues related to this weekend's tragedy.

Addressing Mental Illness
The National Alliance on Mental Illness is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. NAMI advocates for access to services, treatment, and research, and works to raise awareness and build a community for hope for those in need.

Stopping Gun Violence
Comprised of 48 national organizations, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence seeks to secure freedom from gun violence through research, strategic engagement and effective policy advocacy.
This is an open space for honest, respectful discussion of the ways in which tragedies like this can be prevented in the future. You're welcome to add to the conversation here in the comments section.