And you thought book clubs were inspiring….??!!

Book clubs are great. They encourage you to read a book you might not have read, spend some time with great friends over a delicious dinner. Well, how about turning that on its head a bit and creating a group that helps eradicate poverty! Sounds intense, but it actually is a way to change and impact many people’s lives.
Check out an organization called globalislocal.
Founded in 2005 by Liz Ellers, globalislocal is a collaborative funding partnership that addresses the root causes of poverty. Each partner invests when they join and their money is pooled with other partners' money, giving the organization power of numbers and significant investing opportunities.
Gobalislocal partners convene four times a year: three times to meet with world leaders in the global innovation field; at their 4th meeting they decide how they will allocate their funds. Some examples of globalislocal's impressive portfolio to date includes One Acre Fund, Partners in Health, Ashoka and Root Capital. The partners go on site visits learning first hand and engaging in local culture.
GlobalisLocal is a Philadelphia based organization with satellite partnerships in development in other US cities. If you have an interest in learning more about Globalislocal, please contact:
So, why not go for it...change the world! Can't think of a better use of anyone's time or money.
Founded in 2005 by Liz Ellers, globalislocal is a collaborative funding partnership that addresses the root causes of poverty. Each partner invests when they join and their money is pooled with other partners money, giving the organization power of numbers and significant investing opportunities.