Fresh From Etsy: 4 Finds Inspired by Rain
Our contributor Katy checks in with some brand new finds from Etsy, all inspired by the rainy spring season!

I've always loved the rain. I think there is something so magical about the sound of water striking the roof, and I can think of nothing more romantic or relaxing than going for a mid-summer swim in the rain. I don't find it gloomy or depressing, but instead I think it's enchanting, lovely and fresh.
If you're not on board with precipitation appreciation, maybe I can change your mind. Here are four great items handpicked from Etsy that remind me of the serene tones of early-Spring storms.

Pretty Little Prisms
One of the most wonderful things about rain is the way it catches and changes the light, turing droplets into sparkling prisms. Let the season twinkle from your ears with these hammered sterling silver earrings. Since they're made by hand in Chicago, you can choose the stone you want adorning the open raindrop. $150 from Rebecca Zemans.

Picture Perfect
This beautiful print, captured by photographer Elizabeth Urquhart, is so calming to look at, with its dreamy greens and soft gray tones. It's also really cool how you can see each individual raindrop hitting the water, turning the placid lake into a textured surface. Add a white frame and this lovely picture would brighten up any room. $85 from Pure Nature Photos.

Delicate Drops
Have you seen those clear bubble umbrellas that come down over your face? I really want one of those. But until then, I'll content myself with a classic umbrella shape, made charmingly small and delightfully delicate. $10 from TwinPearlsJewelry.

Flower Power
They say April showers bring May flowers, but I happen to like blossoms no matter the month. If you feel the same way, maybe you should invest in some pretty vases to store your supermarket finds. These delicate, handmade pieces make a statement, and the pretty pattern reminds me of water. $44 from dahihouse.
About Katy
Katy Kelleher is a writer, editor, and obsessive reader of all kinds of fiction who currently lives in the beautiful state of Maine. When she's not in her kitchen cooking up new ways to consume kale (the greatest veggie to come out of her tiny urban garden), she can be found floating in any nearby body of water, running with her dog Deja, or hunting through racks of vintage threads. Check out her website here.