Going Dutch, Texas-Style

Naturally, everything is bigger in Texas, from the hats to the music festivals. And bigger can still be better, especially when it’s done sustainably. Born in the quirky capital of the Lone Star State, Austin-based Go Halfsies has a perfect spin on that theme: eat less, give more.

Why We Love It!
The solutions we love best for connecting people are simple, sweet, and pack a big punch. Charitable giving that’s as easy as a meal out on the town definitely qualifies. When dining at participating restaurants, you can choose to go halfsies on a portion; you’ll receive a half-sized portion while still paying full price. 90% of the proceeds are then donated to support the fight against hunger.

Go Halfsies elegantly tackles three big problems in our current food distribution system: oversized portions, excessive food waste, and widespread hunger. Statistics they’ve gathered show that roughly 40% of food produced in the United States isn’t consumed – wasting the equivalent of 350 million barrels of oil a year. Meanwhile, 50.2 million Americans lived in food insecure households in 2009. That's 33 million adults and 17.2 million children.
The Takeaway
Go Halfsies’ innovative approach benefits consumers, their communities, and their world. The pilot program will launch in Austin this spring. Outside the heart of Texas? Email gohalfsies@gmail.com to find out what you can do to get the program into your own city.
Would you commit to going halfsies?