How Does Your Garden Grow?
These sweet garden kits are made with care by a close-knit community in full bloom.
Gardening Goodness
Not everyone has a green thumb. For those who do, Gardenbasket's goodies are a fun little add-on to what they're already good at. For those who don't, they're a dream come true that takes the guesswork out of gardening. Their "Seedballz" are hand-rolled balls of clay, seeds and organic materials ready for instant planting, while "Garden Cookie" kits provide a fun, pre-packaged project for budding gardeners of every age.
A Community in Bloom
Recognized by Urban Farmer, Sunset Magazine and Modern Mom for its cool kits and sense of family, Gardenbasket is a Eugene, Oregon-based company whose offerings are created by individuals with developmental disabilities. Coming together to produce and package their own products from start to finish, the Gardenbasket staff is led by founder Alice Strong, who launched the brand in 1986. The company's success ensures meaningful employment for members of a community for whom such opportunities are often far too scarce.
Price Check
Garden Cookie kits are $29.95 each and SeedBallz packets are $6.95 apiece. Gardenbasket also sells gloves, hoses and gardening tools for urban farmers, professional gardeners and suburbanites alike.