O-live You Tapenade

Sometimes, a cracker just isn’t worth eating unless it’s topped with a tasty tapenade. It’s amazing what fresh olives, vegetable oil, garlic, and salt can do to liven up your meal.
PeaceWorks has zeroed in on the best way to add a dash of exotic flavor to your foods with MEDITALIA tapenades. Using olives grown in Palestinian villages, sun-dried tomatoes from Turkey, and glass jars crafted in Egypt, these yummy toppings are produced through cooperation between Israelis, Arabs, and their neighbors.
PeaceWorks deals directly with food-minded people from all around the world to deliver fresh goodies right to your mailbox. The idea: personal contact and collaboration in business will help foster a peaceful coexistence.
Five percent of the profits from MEDITALIA goes to supporting the PeaceWorks Foundation in order to further the organization’s peace-minded mission.
That these tapenades are 100% vegan, all-natural, gluten-free, cholesterol-free, completely kosher, and totally tasty… well, that just tops it all off.
The PeaceWorks Foundation supports creative and innovative efforts to foster understanding, tolerance and co-existence in regions of conflict through concrete and practical methodologies. Its flagship work is the OneVoice Movement. OneVoice is an international movement of Americans, Palestinians, Israelis, Europeans, Muslims, Jews and Christians who are fed up with the ongoing conflict and who are ready and eager to support a serious process, leading to a comprehensive agreement that will fulfill the hopes and beliefs of both the Palestinian and the Israeli people for a two-state solution.