We Want To Hear Your Story!

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. It's a saying as old as the hills, but as any country singer knows, there's a lot of truth in common cliches. Though our favorite beverage is still the mighty milkshake, we firmly believe in sipping on some ice cold lemonade from time to time—especially the metaphorical kind.
But just as there are a thousand ways to brew your beverage (we like our lemonade with a sprig of mint!), there are a thousand different ways to turn a difficult situation into a life-affirming event. And we want to hear yours.
Milkshake has teamed up with Beliefnet.com, the largest spiritual website with four million monthly visitors and 10 million email subscribers, for a blog we've named Lemons to Lemonade. Featuring first-hand stories by inspiring individuals, this blog is all about finding the positive in life, overcoming obstacles, and spinning negatives into positives.
And in case you're wondering, Beliefnet isn't affiliated with any specific religious organization or movement, but rather the significance of spirituality in everyday life. Their aim is to help readers find a spiritual path that will bring hope, comfort, clarity and happiness.
Would you like to see your story on Lemons to Lemonade? We're looking for stories of personal success and triumph to feature on our blog. Interested parties can send their stories (or just a basic outline of their ideas) to Amy at amy@getmilkshake.com.
We can't wait to hear from you!