What’s Fair Is Fair: Tomorrow’s Fair Tuesday!
As the holidays get into full swing, here's a new strategy to help you shop for all those gifts.
If you're anything like us, you probably love most things about the holiday season but get a little overwhelmed -- irritated, even? -- at all the Black Friday ads and Cyber Monday emails clogging your inbox over Thanksgiving weekend. This year, though, there's a refreshing holiday shopping observance we can't help but get excited about: Fair Tuesday is doing its part to galvanize fair trade and eco-conscious communities in preparation for the holiday crunch.
Tomorrow -- Tuesday, November 27 -- you might notice an abundance of the hashtag #FairTuesday in your Twitter feed, and for good reason: Global Goods Partners is launching a one-day campaign to bring exposure to conscious consumerism and stimulate sales for thoughtful brands that engage in it.
Not sure where to start doing a bit of shopping that gives as well as it gets? Try the Global Goods Partners website itself, offering handmade goods through 47 community-based organizations in 24 countries around the world. The Fair Trade Federation is another great source, with a "find products" feature on its homepage to help you navigate the maze. Because after all, a deal's a deal, but a fair deal's even better.
For a listing of official Fair Tuesday partners, click here. Happy shopping!
How do you deal with the commercialization of the holidays -- embrace, eschew, or something in between?