Welcome To Milkshake Kids
We have been eagerly anticipating this day and are so happy to start delivery of your daily Milkshake. There is no bigger joy than being a parent – each day is a new experience –always filled with wonder and amazement. Each of us wants to do what is best for our kids and do what we can to make sure we are bringing up thoughtful, compassionate and kind individuals.
Milkshake kids is a daily dose of all that’s good for you and your little one’s. We will highlight products that make a difference, sustainable, healthy food and drink, compassionate companies, great deals when we have them, inspiring people changing the world and causes that deserve our attention.
Our hope is that we create a community filled with like minded people – all with the goal of discovering and actively finding ways to make the world a better place – both for our own kids and kids of the next generations.
Please send in your comments, ideas and thoughts. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and always send in your comments (everyday we elicit comments at the end of each daily shake). Email us at hi@getmilkshake.com and we promise to respond quickly.
Thank you for being a part of Milkshake and all that’s good!!
Katy (Milkshake Kids Editor) and Amy (Milkshake Co-Founder and CEO)
We look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions for Milkshake kids!